Safety information for your computer don't go for things that pop up like you won 100,000 dollars. Because if you go for the lie and they ask for your information they can ask for your bank account number they can take money form your bank and they and ask or your drivers license and take your in identity and you can be in financial problems and you can't use your creit cards or make checks. There was this girl who went to Mexico to visit her annt and ulce and she was just 17 years old and when she got back to the United States she found out that she drop her license and a lady picked it up and she had very bad money problems and she toke her identity and she has she has a chlid and every where she gos she has to carey tube that has all her information with her and she also has to takle her child with her and the lady who toke all her information was a crimial and had a back groung with taking peoples identity. The do's asnd don't about computers. Don't ever give out your information on the computer, don't take the pop ups in computers it sends a vires to your computer and makes your computer slower. Make sure you get a sercirty lock on your computer, don't take pop up from the computer, if you are giving your computer to good will make sure to buy a USB to take all your information off the computer
That is a goog thing that you have on your blogger and I learned from what you had on your blog.